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Members (and all congregants) are encouraged to attend the first of three meetings discussing moving toward Eldership at First Baptist Church. In this first session, Pastor Tanner will lay out the Biblical Principles of Eldership and take questions at the end.  The church will provide lunch and childcare.   Talk to Pastor Tanner for more information. 

Sept 29th, 11:30-1:30pm: Biblical Principles of Eldership

October 6th, 11:30-1:30pm: Prospective Models of Eldership

October 20th, 11:30-1:30pm: Proposed Amendments to FBCL Consititution to accommodate Eldership (and clarify additional roles)

October 27th, 11:30-12:00pm: Q&A- dedicated to any final questions regarding Eldership at FBCL

November 3rd, 11:30-1:30: Quarterly Business Meeting- vote on Eldership Model and nominate Elders.  (Nominated Elders will then be vetted through teaching, interviews, etc. during November and December before being voted in as Elders at the January Business Meeting)